Medieval Chocolate

Being one of the most impressively conserved medieval settlements on earth, Brugge mesmerizes architects with its beautiful brick Gothic buildings, channels and bridges. Not only it is unique with its architectural features but also it is where the paintings of Jan van Eyck and Hans Memling had evolved and can be seen. One can also visit the famous sculpture of the Madonna and Child of Michelangelo in the Church of Our Lady today.  Apart from its world-famous architecture and art, it is also a continuously inhabited city where one can find an active life with restaurants, bars, parks and most importantly of course with chocolate shops. Everywhere in this fairy-tale like city there are fairy-tale like chocolate shops where you can buy and eat sweets relentlessly. There are even miniature pieces of Brugge in which you can fill your chocolates in, representing the very true nature of the city as a big-cute-medieval-chocolate, just as it would be in a chocolate lover architect's dream:) 


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